In an article in C&E News, regarding the stresses of graduate student life, Steve was interviewed on what he has learned in mentoring students over his career:
"Buchwald says he’s learned over the years how to communicate more effectively with his graduate students. “I certainly would shudder to watch films of myself as an adviser 25 years ago,” he says. “Hopefully, every year, I’ve gotten a little better, but I try to tell people up front what I expect and what I think are the priorities.” In addition to encouraging his students to take one month off per year, he also gives them frequent praise. “I think one of the biggest differences between me now and me 25 years ago is that I give people a lot more compliments,” he says. “In the early days, I assumed they knew I thought they were great. But now, I say it.“It’s taken me a long time to get to this point, and I’m still making mistakes over and over again, but you just try to learn from your mistakes,” he says."
Click here for the full article in C&E News: "Opening Up About Stress in Graduate School"